Association “Center for Development of Structural Instruments” with transnational partners from Italy, Bulgaria and Spain announced the end of project “Fri(E+)nd”. The project was financed by funds provided by the European Union through the programme “Erasmus+” Key Action 1.
The group of this project was compose by 27 young workers. They participated for 8 days in various activities by non-formal education methods, which aimed to raise awareness on the need to develop working with youth people. Duration of the youth exchange was between 17.09.2017 and 23.09.2017. The activities of this training course took place in Horezu, Romania, where participants had an environment for networking and teamwork in order to implement certain activities in the field of nondiscrimination, develop the cultural skills, increase self-confidence.
The Logo of the project :
Specific objectives of this project included:
1 After completion of six months, the 27 youth workers have learned how to meet the needs of young people, what are the problems and how to motivate in volunteering work.
2 During the mobility 27 have acquire new skills in designing attractive message for young people in the use of public media and Internet to attract young people in non-formal education methods activities and learn to work in teams.
3 At the end of the project they have been more empathetic towards young people will be motivated civic involvement, they will know to use ed met the formal and know to overcome stereotypes and prejudices.
The grafic for the shirt :
During mobility have been involved young people in high school Constantin Brancoveanu Horezu, bringing a total of 150 young people. Youth workers have been trained by non-formal education activities and this attracted and help them realize the importance of getting involved in the community.
The group Picture :
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Here are some pictures from the project if you want to see more visit our facebook group :