The association “Center for Development of Structural Instruments” with transnational
partners from Italy, Bulgaria and Spain announced the closure of project activities “E+
COMES TO RESCUE”. The project was financed by funds provided by the European
Union through the programme “Erasmus+” Key Action 1: The mobility of people for
educational purposes – Draft mobility for young people and youth workers.
The group of this project was comprised of a total of 46 young people. They
participated for 9 days in various activities undertaken by non-formal education
methods, which aimed to raise awareness on the need to develop firest aid practices.
Duration of the youth exchange was between 17.03.2017 and 25.03.2017. The
activities of this youth exchange took place in Horezu, Romania, where participants had
an environment for networking and teamwork in order to implement certain activities in
the field of first aid and also had the opportunity to discover the cultural diversity of
each country.
Ziua 1: 18/03/2017
- Descrierea proiectului, a obiectivelor si stabilirea regulilor ce trebuie respectate in cadrul acestei experienta: fiecare participant a spus cate o regula ce I se pare importanta iar in functie de ceea ce au zis ceilalti a fost scrisa pe una dintre cele 3 culori ale semaforului( rosu- respectate mereu, galbe- pot fi omise rareori, verde- pot fi inculcate)
- Fiecare participant a scris cate o frica, o asteptare pe un biletel pe care a fost nevoit s ail lipeasca
- Fiecare a trebuit sa isi gaseasca cateva caracterisitici ce incep cu fiecare litera a numelui sau
- Jocul ceasului: toti am desenat cate un ceas cu cela 12 ore, prin mixare am decis cu cine ne intalnim la fiecare ora iar cand o anumita ora a venit, discutam despre diferite teme cu persoana aleasa( calatorii, hobby-uri, tara din care esti)
- Fiecare si-a scris numele pe un plic si pe un biletel. Fiecare si-a extras un biletel pe care scria numele unui participant iar de atunci s pana la sfarsit acelui partipant ii devenea secret friend, caruia trebuia sa ii ofere cate un cadou, bilet zilnic
- Fiecare tara a avut de pregatit profilul acesteia de facebook impreuna cu profilele participantilor pe care au trebuit sa le prezinte
- Jocul “John”
- Seara culturala Romania
Ziua 2: 19/03/2017
- Dimineata jocuri de trezire pentru a reusi sa ne readucem numele fiecaruia: fiecare dintre noi isi spunea numele si facea un semn diferit si special pentru el iar apoi toti cei care urmau dupa ei trebuiau sa isi aduca aminte numele si semnul fiecaruia dinaintea lui
- Calatoria in Horezu: s-au format mai multe echipe si fiecare a avut de indeplinit niste task-uri specificate la inceput( sa formeze o anumita litera, sa gaseasca o anumita manastire, sa faca poze cu mai mult straini, sa gaseasca o anumita strada, sa afle cati locuitori exista in Horezu, ce atractii principale exista) urmand ca fiecare echipa sa iti compuna ceva artistic, de exemplu un filmulet, o piesa de teatru in care sa se lege de cele petrecute
- Jocul cu steaua: este vorba de comunicare si imaginative;toti participantii vorbec timp de 5 minute ca sa se puna de accord cu ceea ce aveau sa faca fiecare pentru a iesi forma respectiva de stea iar dupa, in urmatoarele 5 minute trebuiau doar prin gesturi sa se miste iar la sfarsit sa iasa acea forma
- Jocul cu foaia: mai multe participant intr-o echipa ce se gaseau pe o parte a foi A3 iar fiecare trebuie sa isi gaseasca strategia de a muta pe partea opusa foaia
- Jocul cu meserii: fiecare a extras un biletel pe care scria diferite meserii( homeless, soldat, politest, avocet, professor, etc) iar toti partiicipantii dintr-o echipa se afla pe o insula iar fiecare trebuie sa isi foloseasca puterea de convingere pentru a-si convinge colegii ca el trebuie sa ramana pe insula, ultimii 3 supravietuitori castiga
- Seara culturala Italia
Ziua 3: 20/03/2017
- Sesiune medicala: 3 parti
- In cadrul celei de a 3 parti: iesire in aer liber la manastirea Horezu unde a avut loc o simulare de accident rutier create de echipa medicala( 2 victime: soferul si pietonul)
- Seara culturala Italia
Ziua 4: 21/03/2017
- Sesiune medicala: 3 parti
- In a 3-a parte, vizita la cule unde am vizitat imprejurimile iar participantii au avut parte de unele victim: 2 echipe In care exista 8 salvatori si 8 victime. Fiecare salvator trebuie sa isi gaseasca victim ce se poate afla oriunde si sa o trateze corespunzator
- Seara culturala Bulgaria
Ziua 5: 22/03/2017
- Vizita la Sibiu: muzeul Astra, centrul vechi
Ziua 6:23/03/2017
- Sesiune medicala: Cum se foloseste defribrilatorul? Cand si de ce il folosim? AED
- Jocul cu avioanele: fiecare echipa a trebuit sa isi promoveze cum stia mai bine firma de calatorie, trebuia sa isi construiasca un avion, o macheta iar pilotii trebuiau sa se intreaca astfel incat cel al carui avion ajungea cel mai departe era castigator. De asemenea a fost oferit si un premiu de popularitate, inmanat de Ministrul Transporturilor.
- Jocul cu animalele
- Jocul “Thank you”: fiecare participant a trebuit sa gaseasca cateva personae carora sa le multumeasca si sa le explice motivul pentru care au fost alese
- Seara culturala Turcia
Ziua 7: 7/03/2017
- Examenul ce a fost promovat si in urma caruia fiecare participant a primit certificate de participare iar 4 dintre participant au primit un rucsac cu tot echipamentul necesar
- Fiecare a trebuit sa isi gaseasca partenerul, prietenul secret: fiecare dintre a fost legat la ochi si in asa fel trebuia sa isi ghiceasca prietenul secret, doar prin simt
- Fiecare dintre participant a trebuiet sa construiasca cate o particica a ziarului acestui proiect( parte medicala, vreme, horoscop, program, barfe, etc)
About the organizers:
The association “Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale” is an organisation that has as purposes the development of youth, helping out those who lack opportunities, the integration into society of discriminated young people and encouraging youth initiative. Our organisation has a number of 35 members that come from both urban and rural environments, aged between 18 and 30. It is our wish that through this project, the youth will develop their abilities, attitudes and knowledge base, all of these leading to the expansion of their skill set. Our members had the chance of participating to international projects within Erasmus Plus in most European countries, having accumulated the necessary experience to engage in non-formal activities with the young people. We are working with the youth for cultural, social and economic development. We sustain equal opportunities in our present society.
About the project:
Through this project we aim the following objectives:
O1: At the end of the YE all 46 teens involved within YE will improve their abilities to react in case of an accident. This will happen through methods of non formal education: Public Coffee shop, Sketches, Debate, Forum Theatre, and Sessions with doctor Dumitrescu through the conception of a small guide “Guide of PA measures” during the 9 days of activities
O2: At the end of YE all of the 46 teens will have new key competences. This will happen through the non formal methods: Public Coffee shop, sessions of Guide conception, Alive Library, Sketches and Games during the 9 days of activities.
O3: At the end of YE the 15 teens with diminished opportunities involved in project will feel themselves social integrated, will have trust in their own, will acquire key competences which will help them in the future in their active life. This will happen through Sketches, Presentation of the teens situation from the local communities, Games and Dialogues between teens during the 9 days of activities.
O4: At the end of YE each organization involved, will have 9 teens which can become youth workers and know how to react in case of emergency. Practically through the 9 days of activities the organizational capacity of the 5 partners will increase, through the sessions supported by the doctor Dumitrescu, Public Coffee shop, Debate, Forum Theatre, Guide conception, Alive Library.
The activities will last 10 days, between 17.03.2017 – 25.03.2017 (including travel days) and will take place in Horezu, Romania.